Wednesday, March 28, 2018

March Update (v0.0.5.0a released )

This weekend (March 25, 2018) we finally released v0.0.5.0a Calendar Cloud.
Main changes are based on the statistic collected during these months. Thanks to everyone!

Service plans:

We collected a statistic for a last 5 months. The main focus was on measuring resources needed to sync calendars.Based on the statistic we defined settings that should manage synchronization of your calendars.

Sync Period - determine how often your calendars to be synchronized.

Date Filter- is a relative date interval. Al events within this interval to be synchronized.

Calendar Cloud provides two service plans "Free" and "Personal". It should cover the main needs. Check this to compare "Free" and "Personal" service plans.

After the upgrade, all users were switched on "Free" service plan.

User profile page:

calendar cloud user profile page
Profile page provides a basic information about your account.The most important things are Email and Service Plan. The Profile page is a right place to request an upgrade your service plan.

Please double-check your Email. Calendar Cloud uses it as a primary connection point.

Calendar Info page:

Starting from v0.0.5.0a user can check a detailed info about any calendar. To do this, just click on the info button. The page consists of two parts.

Calendar Info provides a basic information about the calendar and used service plan.

Note: Some services like Facebook or Evernote provide Access token for a limited time. As a result,  a user should renew the token before this moment. You can check "Access token" field to get the expiration date of yours.

Sync statistic is based on the last 10 sync sessions.

You can see a time of the last synchronization and when a synchronization occurs in the next time.

Next plans

Short term:
  • User guide and FAQ.
  • Force sync button.
Long term:
  • Trello integration.
  • Product Hunt integration.

Oleksandr Ieremchuk,
Product Owner at Calendar Cloud,

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